Tuesday, 20 September 2016

O God of Job Restore my Losses..

And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42:10).

In his loss Job didn't pray for a return of his stuff! Job prayed for his friends, God left him friends while everything else was taken away from him, he prayed for them. The ultimate friend prays for a friend when he himself needs the prayers of a friend.

I pray for my friends not because I want more but because my friends are my treasures, thats what God gives me. You cannot buy a friend and the lack of money cannot take a good friend away. When you left with nothing but a friend, yourself be a friend. Pray for them in your losses pray for your friends then God will show you that  compared to them you have not lost much at all, and heres the deal, God will restore your losses when you pray for a friend. Tell your friend right now "As I pray for you, God will restore to me all that I've lost and more." Since you are really whats valuble to me God will give me what i've lost thats of lesser value than you. O God of Job bless my frineds. multiply their portion, unlock divine destiny in them today, return to them double of all that they have lost, O God of Job you gave me more before and now im ready for more again this time you will give it it shall be a work of your hand and not mine. Amen!

The NAME OF Jesus. God's greatest Name

There is no other name given under heaven among men by which they can be saved Acts 4;14 Father is not a name its a title Son is not s name ...