Dealing with Disabling Spirits

She had a disabling spirit (Luke 13:11).

Walking everyday with her head down. Thats what people who are disabled do they walk with their head down, signifying defeat and hopelessness. Literally she was bowing down (giving in) and allowing her situation to rule her life, mind and ultimate destiny.

A disabling spirit blinds you the hope that is set before you
A disabling spirit magnifies the problem and blinds us to the solution
A disabling spirit makes you feel less than competent and never good enough
A disabling spirit causes your ministry to be focused on issues, stuff around you and in you
A disabling spirit causes you to question the very thing God has in store for you
A disabling spirit blinds you to possibility

... why because you've TOUCHED  the wrong things.

This woman touched Jesus. That's what you have to do today, touch Jesus.

How do you get rid of a disabling spirit?
Press through the clutter, the chatter, the crowd and the circumstances and ..... Touch Jesus!


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