How To Preach Easy

1. Dont say "you" say "we" this tells the audience that you are not above them or hinting that you are holier than them. draw them into the subject and together go on the journey.
2. Dont shout, Shouting is not the sign of the anointing
3. Keep the message clear. Clear of too much to say, too much to talk about, too much waffling about what's not important.
4. Keep to the subject!
5. Keep to a pattern, three points is good for teaching.
6. Put the Word first. Start off with scripture this shows that you are going to talk, preach about the Word.
7. Come close to the congregation, get off the pulpit. You're one of us. preaching from a pulpit is saying to your frined I love you but dont come near me.
8. Get invoved in the praise and worship. some pastors. I've seen they sit through the worship to conserve their energy when they preeach. ScottFree worship is non existent. If you love God sweat the praise!
9. Ask yourself would you buy a ticket to hear you preach? If you say "no"  Quit! ..until God fires you up and gives the message.
10. Preach as if its the end of the world.... It may be for somebody that listens to you!

...Oh by the way may I add a correction.... Preaching is NOT easy...


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