Monday 15 July 2024

The NAME OF Jesus. God's greatest Name

There is no other name given under heaven among men by which they can be saved Acts 4;14
Father is not a name its a title
Son is not s name its a title
Spirit is not a name, its a title
Jehovah is not a name its a title. Jehovah Jireh 'The Lord will provide.'
Jehovah Shammah 'the Lord is there.' the title does not show us who he is but where he was
Jehovah Rapha 'The God who heals.' The title shows us what he does  not who he is.
Only the name of JESUS  shows us who he is and reveals what he does

Jesus reveals the person of God and the promises of God. JESUS is both the person of God and the promise of God. In him all the promises are yea and Amen
Jesus is the promise of salvation (That's the event) Jesus is the person who gives us the experience of the event, that is salvation. We can therefore say ONLY JESUS can be a person and an Event.If you want to be saved, You have to have none other god other than Jesus

The Lord is my strength and my song he has become my salvation Psalm 118;14.

Jehovah has become my Jesus

Now know him not only as Jehovah but my provider, my healer. my deliverer. but everything that Jehovah was, Jesus is. Yes he's my SALVATION.  everything that Jehovah was to the old saints he is to me as MY SALVATION 'For in him dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily' (Col 1;9).
His Name is full of it all, all his promises, all his deity, all the godhead.
It's all in him


Friday 30 December 2022

The Place of COMPASSION in our Preaching


I sat where they sat (Ezekiel 3;15).
EzekieL 'Strength of GOD' and strong he was, He went to Tel Abib and sat where the people sat  for seven days in silence. To learn and discover their ways. Before he could preach and warn he had to perfect the Word in him. It is easy for the preacher to say what's on his mind instantaneously and in quick response, just take a look at Facebook many are quick to right what they see as wrong yet will not take the time to sit and wait in order to understand and connect to those to whom he is sent.
Ezekiel was sit where they sat in order to learn about them what he did not know. Oh how easy it is to be quick to preach too yet slow to consider and show respect or love.  Many shut theIr eyes yet open wide their lips. Its easier to hurt rather than connect and restore. its easier to defend ones faith than win a soul. they indulge in sever truth telling as if its a medal to display. forgetting that the master on the cross displayed love that won that a world not a sermon. Some never sweaten their medicine, but give out a heavy dose even if it kills their contact. the fact that they said it as it is, qualities them as apostolic or does it?
The Lord dealt kindly with others. He got the woman at the well to ask for the water of life, He did not focus on her adulterous affairs but rather sat where she say and met he need. He won Zachaeus by sitting at his home, His kindness won the lost, his graciousness attracted the hungry. Kindness is greater than cleverness or genius. LOVE bigger than knowledge of scriptures and possessing the title of preacher.
Lets not judge others based on their hair style, or lack of it. Lets not fashion our message or approach based on the fact that others are so unlike us and don't believe  exactly what we believe. Believing in a truth does not make you more apostolic than me, its love and compassion that reveals your true status, not your collar or pin stripe suite. My bear does not make me less apostolic neither does it make me less holy. in fact the most critical often are the least approachable, because they pride themselves on a dress code but neglect the compassion code to their detriment. 
Jesus reached individuals as souls not criminals. he did not preach at them, he preached as one of them, he did not open their wounds and make their wounds bigger rather he gave them compassion and revealed the love of God to them.
Before we condemn the man lets put ourselves in their place. better still condemn him not. rather give his Jesus

Friday 11 February 2022

God is Doing It...Can You See It?

 Behold I make all things New

The new year came and gone, well the one day we call new year day, came and gone, Man was filled with hope and vision as indeed the world is at this time, where we express our optimism and share our hope of a better tomorrow. Of course it is but another day, Nature does not take another path, the sun does not stop shining, the morning follows the night, just as it always has. the moon and stars appear and disappear as they always have. I fear that in our routine we miss the remarkable. Nature all around us expresses the remarkable faithfulness of God. Nature in fact announces God's faithfulness and its newness every day. To God every day is a new day. Lamemtations 3 'his mercies never fail, they are new every morning, great is they faithfulness.' just a look up and we will see the faithfulness of God in offering new opportunities on a daily basis to us mere man.

The ringing out of the new and the bringing in of the new is our own idea of course, well as I have said even nature itself expresses its desire to move out of what has been and into that which is about to be. It's in our nature too. We long for the new, we shop for it and drop for it. we live for it too. every pay day we go on a mission to get that new thing, car, clothes, furniture, whatever it is that the flesh craves for and desires.

The temporality of things times and season's. the changeable things of man if I were to ponder those things indeed would I not be dismayed. 'Vanity of vanity saith the preacher,'  do we not play with life, little realising that it is in vain, yes in vain to live for self. All is vanity, now that's the conclusion of the wisest man who ever lived, so how must hope have I got of redefining life if the man who had it all and plenty of it could thus so define his day as one of vanity.  why did he see his life as one of vanity when he possessed choice gold silver land and things in abundance.

Vanity or 'vapour,' the word is expressed 37 times in his book and its used to express his striving for things as one would 'strive after the wind' he stated that life without God and an appreciation of him is a life lived in vain. for things, achievements, attainments, medals, rewards, possessions all leave man empty and un-bemused.  Nothing man made can satisfy the soul made by God. indeed God has made in all of us a part that no thing, can fulfil that is our being. man without God is lonely lost and unliberated. No matter what owns. I was reading yesterday of Jeff Brazos's mega-yaught, yet to me friend the more a man has of this worlds goods is not a sign of contentment but loss, yes loss of soul. 

What then is the answer? how then should we live. We should take hold of life and live it for God pursuing his purposes for our lives. finding contentment in serving others more than serving ourselves. we should find peace in being right with God. not trying to fill that void by bragging and getting but rather fill the void by being and believing that is being Christ followers and believing in his promises, yes chase his promises as if you were chasing gold, that is taking hold of life, for Christ himself is life.

Let the light outside remind you, Go speaks, he gives forth his light as instruction as how to live our day. Solomon concluded; let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; fear God and keep his commandment, for this is mans all. For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil (Ecc 12;13,14).

God is making all things new. trust him to do it for you. he's starting it off with the morning. every morning is a new morning yes that is what God is doing. and with it comes a new opportunity, a new faith to be grabbed a hold of, a new opportunity coming your way and all things are being made new for you.


Monday 31 January 2022

Where are the MOTIVATORS


I see many complaints about today’s preachers who preach success, prosperity in if preaching these things dumbs down the gospel. I believe that MOTIVATIONAL preaching has its place.

ARE ALL APOSTLES? (1 COR 12;29-31)

I think preaching on success  and prosperity in life is as much the pastors responsibility as it is preaching salvation holiness.
The pastor has to be a motivator, and preach motivational, as much as he preaches doctrine and doctrinally.
If a man preaches all doctrine and standards then folks have no practical standards by which to hold onto and follow.
Teaching that is not practical and real cannot be embraced no matter how deep it is.
Don't mistake holiness  for Godliness. Oftentimes legalistic rules are of the flesh. Spiritual things can be of the flesh.
Motivational based sermons make adventurers, risk takers, mountain movers people with a can-do spirit.
Motivation based teaching can give us the drive and energy to to make things happen.
Are all apostles?
Do all speak revelation and doctrine?
But there are varieties of administrations but the same Lord
(1 Cor 12).

Motivators teach the same thing but teach it differently! Motivators inspire others towards pure doctrine, through practical teaching.

Here are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

Different kind of Gifts
Different kind of service
Different kinds of Working

The KJV gives us this truth like this.:-

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal




Not all who speak are teachers, not all who instruct are apostles. Not all who prophesy are motivators. There is enough room for a DIVERSITY of gifts.


There are VARIETIES of operations of the same gift, differences of ADMINISTRATIONS. Some are quieter than others, some have a gentler anointing, some give more illustration than instruction. Others instruct more through illustration and story telling.


Joel Osteen has one of the worlds biggest churches yet he is a great story teller.
Wasn’t Jesus?
Paul taught more doctrine than Jesus
Does that make Jesus a false teacher?
We have to deal with prejudices that hinder our style and way of doing things that are natural ways given by God to get the job done.

There is plenty of room for motivational teaching and far less room for stuck in the mud legalists. Who forever use the platform to convey their displeasure at those who don’t demand truth be preached like them.

The conclusion by Paul the great 'doctrinal' teacher.

And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? If we all were doctrine teachers where would be the Faith takers, the risk takers, the adventurers, the business builders, the entrepreneurs, the industrialists, the sporting icons, the everyday folks that impact society in media, government, business and everyday employment? (PT)

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.

And if they were all one member, where were the body?

But now are they many members, yet but one body.

And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. (The apostolic preacher cannot say I don't need the motivational speaker the exhorter the teacher).

Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are MUCH MORE necessary:


Monday 20 December 2021

Gods Pattern and Plan for Healing

 Build according to PATTERN (Numbers 21:7-9).

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. (1 Cor 10;11) or  'types.'

Who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, “See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” (Heb 5;8).

All things were given for our admonition

In.all things showing thyself  a pattern of good works; in doctrine, showing uncorruptness, gravity,sincerity (Titus 2;7)

There is a pattern of healing in the bible from Moses to Paul, divine healing and divine health being available in the old covenant under the law and being made available to the saints today under grace. Under the ministry of Jesus it was commanded and under the ministry of the apostles it was practiced.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. (Matthew 10;8)

And these signs will follow those who [a]believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[b] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Matthew 16;17-18)

If salvation is for all healing is for all

If we can pray the prayer of salvation we can pray the prayer of faith over sick folks.

If sick folks can be saved because of Christs redemption, they can be healed because of Christs redemption.

Should we therefore not raise our game or to put it more correctly should we no raise our faith to preach healing as much as we preach salvation for that is what salvation is healing of the body, soul and spirit it is healing of the total man.

If everyone who looks upon a snake upon a pole can be healed then everyone who looks upon Christ on the cross can be saved. if a look at the snake on a pole under the old covenant HEALED a soul then a look at Christ under the new covenant can heal a soul today. for surely the promises under Christ are far great than the promises under Moses.Changes between 3.0.15 and 3.0.16:

Sunday 19 December 2021

Apostolic Barrier Breakers

Every winner finds a barrier between him and the finish line.  The barrier be it a wall or mountain  exists to present to you the requirement’s for greatness. The requirements have to be discovered, you have to hit a brick wall, you have to get writers block, you have to experience the point of quitting.  Only then can we see what is required of a winner. Its at this point you have to educate yourself with information others know not of, then you can do what others cannot do. You have to disciover what separates you from failure and connects you to success.

Jesus was at the finish line, he had to fight a battle no one else could fight and no one else could win, a fist of its kind, no one else had arrived at this point before, no one else could, take on this task, yet he could and the scriptures tells us that “he went one step  further' matthew 26:39)

Ask yourself what’s my limit today, what’s my brick wall?
Whats my next step?
What steps have I yet to take that have not taken before?
Maybe you'll have to pray like Jabez, 'God enlarge my steps!'.

Maybe you have to be enlarged before God enlarges your steps. enlarges to work with folks you would not normally work with. Enlarged to associate and keep company with those of different doctrine yet they too, like you, have a heart after God. It could be that the Lord wants you to set aside your preconceived prejudices to those of other denominations and start touching them with your heart and soul. Peer had to be enlarged before the Lord could use him to be an apostle to the gentiles, what he thought was untouchable and unholy God had to show him that it was he who had to reach them. (Acts 10;28)....the things commanded to him by God (v33). Could it be that our own prejudice is hindering the favor of God on our own lives? Could it be that our own unwillingness to work with brethren outside of your denomination is hindering your greatest day in ministry? God looks for humility and if its not to be found then we ourselves hinder the work of the Lord done first in us.No amount of praying for enlargement can make God promote us unless we first have the humility to obey him. Don't hinder your prayers! Obey the Lord, not man. 

Being brought up as an AOG in UK I have had the privilege of working and ministering in many different denominations preaching revivals and speaking on many topics yet my conviction which i have always made known is my faith in the one true Lord and the apostolic message, I even know some apostolic's who think this is not possible yet i tell them I have credentials with charismatic and well as apostolic organisations and the Lord has granted me favor for which I'm eternally grateful to cross these walls and do his will.

Every occupation has its barriers. what you know about them separates you from those who trade in mediocrity and those who trade in greatness. Now take that one step more that is required to being yourself salvation and maybe others too. 2022 is dependent on you. If God finds you ready, he will choose you. you're the candidate for enlargement and engage meant on another level with great men and big nations. There's so much more for you to do. quit limiting yourself and obey God first

Sunday 8 August 2021

Enjoying the Expansiveness of the Apostolic

 Much of facebook is in a rut. a big rut. Apostolics speak of two things the end of the world and debate with others regarding he trinity, neither of such are purely defending the faith. There is more to our faith than end times which always takes ona negative tone and the wrongfulness of the trinity. I think about the many things we dont speak about. Faith, miracles, divine healing, delverance, the kingdom here and now, dominion, success in life and ministry and a host of other topics that would keep our faith fresh and interesting.
The secret of the early apostles was that they could do just that. Keep their faith fresh and interesting! Signs and wonders accompanied the word and they won cities and nations to the faith. Their faith imapcted the lives of countless souls, why we today fail to imapct our neighborhoods let alone cites and nations and we have technology and global acess too.
Its not that we are not focused  its more than that. Many are focused on the wrong things, debates on what to wear and what we ought not to wear, women preaching, yes or no! So these guys spin their wheels and wag their tails. For me I say, stick to your mission, winning souls. and when thats your focus your mind spirit and message will turn accordingly to be an inflencor not a debater, a pastor not a self righteous prophet, an influencor not a sole gospel trader, a winner of men not a ostraciser of them
It's time to turn a corner and do better work
Thats why I blog

The NAME OF Jesus. God's greatest Name

There is no other name given under heaven among men by which they can be saved Acts 4;14 Father is not a name its a title Son is not s name ...