Monday, 13 March 2017
Does the Word read you?
We are people of the light. We have come out of darkness into his marvelous light. Light speaks of truth and transparency, revelation and insight, hence we fight not against truth but rather for it. When we read the scriptures, we allow it to change us. We don't read scriptures in the light of our views, rather we read scriptures to know the authors view. Scriptures then read us. We don't provide the interpretation to the word, scriptures interpret themselves and so change our understanding. We are changed! This is test of truth, does the scripture change me or do I change it! Do I interpret scriptures according to my faith or does what I read change my faith? Does what I believe adapt God's doctrine or does what I read challenge, confront and change my doctrine?
Only then Can I be said to be in the light.
May I ask, What has changed you lately?
28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? 29 For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, 30 saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’
31 “Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33 In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. Luke 14
How intentional are you?
Do you go with the flow and react to what is in front of you or do you charter your own course with a fixed resolve nothing can move.?
Distractions abound online and off. It's easy to wake up in the morning and cruise through the day reacting and responding to what's online, before we know it the day has gone and nothing is accomplished that God set as an agenda for our day. That's where we start, by asking God for his agenda? We who are pushers and shuvers can be the pushed and the shuved and wake up one of those mornings with the realisation that life really has passed us by.
So what do you do? Use the power of intent. The day before plan one specific task for the day and do that task first. The power of intent will bring the reward of intent. your project will grow your mind will become more focuses and your day will take on meaning. So list the one I got you must do and simple... Do it!
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
10 Keys to Improve your Preach
1. Don't strain, the best communicators give a confident presentation not a strained one
2. Zeal is good but vary the intensity. If one is too intense it may be a sign of a lack of confidence
3. A man who is comfortable in preaching will be relaxed as well as passionate. Be comfortable, look comfortable and communicate comfortably.
4. Don't try to say too much. Cut out the add ons, See how little you can say to make a great impact. How short can you make a sermon and still make an impact?...try it!
5. High intensity preaching does not make good preaching. Shouting is not a sign of the anointing!
One can shout so loud that the congregation does not hear what the preacher is communicating.
6. Park your ego. be yourself, bad preaching comes from those who try to be someone else. People know when we preach another's message and use another's style. People like speakers who are original and originally themselves only then will they be accepted.
7. If you're not naturally gifted in being funny then leave the jokes alone. Remember you're there to preach not tell jokes.
8. Own the message! It's mine. Every preacher has to own the message. It's a part of him, it made him, him! you have to own the message.Think of Jesus he was the Word made flesh.
9. If you're going to preach issues...try turning it into an idea? That is come up with a solution first. most folks in church know the issues and the problems. So If you're the preacher be the first to come up with a solution!
10. Enjoy the Preach
Sunday, 5 March 2017
Submission or a Self Starter?
We seek security in church and ministry because that's we are comfortable with it.
It's risky to stand out and stand on your own two feet.
We join a church because it's less risky than starting one. We don't want to be seen as a loner so it's easier to be a member.
We give power to those that sense our vulnerability. Some leaders use it to build their groups and condemn you if you don't join or fit in. The system has taught us to always submit and serve and respect leadership, but friend remember this you don't have to disrespect a leader to go it alone either.
For centuries we have built a system where submission to others rules. On one had we've been encouraged to get out there and serve the Lord while on the other hand we feel guilty for not submitting to another Pastor and joining a local fellowship and serving him there. After all the local church needs you.
It's easier to fit in than stand apart.
I talked to a pastor some time ago, I was in transition. His concern was me, I needed to be a part of something, true, but at this junction it wasn't a church I needed but to individually pursue something God was placing into my hand. I was seeking some advice and did not expect him to use it as an opportunity to tell me I needed to join a local church and serve there.
The shortsightedness of some preachers is remarkable or should I say disgusting.
Seth Godin recently wrote in his blog "For thousands of years, we've built our culture to teach people to not only tolerate a powerful overlord, but in a vacuum, to seek one out. We build school around the idea of powerful teachers, coaches and authority figures telling us what to do. We go to the placement office to seek a job, instead of starting our own thing, because we've been taught that this is the way it works, it's reliable, it's safer."
The same thing with church and ministry. We begin with coming under a ministry rather than starting our own. We seek to be a part of an organisation rather than starting one for which we have ample vision for. And so we're pushed to begin with submission rather than mission.
It's risky to start your own radio ministry your own church group and hire out a hall. It's risky to start your own evangelists revival group. So instead we seek out someone who can tell us join us, here's what you can do.
We all need to be a part of something, what we need is not so much a covering but an open door. Maybe for you the door is already open before you, and all you need is a prod from someone like me who says Its Ok to go it alone. Better to be alone with God than with a crowd that are not with God! More than anything, we do need the guts to obey God and start something.
The NAME OF Jesus. God's greatest Name
There is no other name given under heaven among men by which they can be saved Acts 4;14 Father is not a name its a title Son is not s name ...

I sat where they sat (Ezekiel 3;15). EzekieL 'Strength of GOD' and strong he was, He went to Tel Abib and sat where the people sat...
There is no other name given under heaven among men by which they can be saved Acts 4;14 Father is not a name its a title Son is not s name ...
Behold I make all things New The new year came and gone, well the one day we call new year day, came and gone, Man was filled with hope and...