Friday, 13 October 2017
Response Able Preaching
We preach for results, we preach for a response. But underlying it all we preach to respond to God and his Ghost .Our message is a response to the leading of the Spirit. Secondly our preaching is in response to the moving of God among us, if there is pull of the Spirit in our meeting then we allow the pull to lead us us in our preaching. If the atmosphere is highly charged and folks are getting behind the preacher then, it can be good for the crowd but not so good for the preacher, so he has to be response-able, that is be the educator while he is being educated, he has to be the speaker while God is also speaking to him. He has to follow the momentum without being it! He has to educate while being the one who is being taught a lesson. He has to move with the flow yet not be oversome by it. He has to get into the flow without drowing himself. The atmosphere must not determime what he says and the organist determine his pace. The "amen" must not determine his shout and the hallelujah must not determine his halo! Nothing must move him but the WORD. This then is RESPONSE-ABLE preaching.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
You are God's Tent of Witness..The Glory is coming
A pattern for your Ministry
Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen (Acts 7;44),
The faith that once was delivered. We could say the pattern that was once given, the "set instructions" Our father's in the wilderness had a "tabernacle of witness" this is interesting for it was figurative of the spiritual tabernacle of witness, the believer, meaning the believer is a witness of that behind him in type and that ahead of him in manifestation.
Our tent, (ministry, churches) are to be made according to "fashion" "type" and "prototype" The words "Pattern" and "form" are interesting. Liddell and Scott: the impress of a seal, the stamp of a coin, a print 2.Figures of impressions wrought on metal or stone: simply a figure of image.... 5. a form of doctrine. It is for us then to build according to the "witness" of the apostles. Our ministry is a witness of that which they taught, if we teach anything different to that which they taught we have no authentic backing of God neither can we say we are Gods "tent of witness." That which has been "stamped" on me is this, I can only be authentic as I have the "witness" of that which they taught. The faith once delivered was and is delivered once and for all and upon this faith, the faith we build all our arguments, understanding and ministry upon.
When you read about God being one your spirit witnesses to that and you preach it and see it. When you read about the blind receiving their sight you believe it then go and preach it and so become a witness to it. Whats in Moses tent becomes that which is in your tent. That which was in Paul's church becomes that which takes place in your church. That which Solomon saw in the glory cloud you see in your church, why you are God's tent of witness.
What is a witness is is nothing more and nothing less than being a replication of that which our forefathers believed, said and done. Surely the signs of an apostle were wrought among us. Hallelujah.
What was said of Paul will be said of you, why you built according to pattern. The same spirit on Paul is the same Holy Ghost upon you, why you build according to pattern. If you want to see it like Paul saw it then we have to preach it like Paul preached it. If we want to see it like Peter saw it then we have to preach it like Peter preached it
Ah the glory!
I want to be God's witness dont you?
Now im going back to my tent!
Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen (Acts 7;44),
The faith that once was delivered. We could say the pattern that was once given, the "set instructions" Our father's in the wilderness had a "tabernacle of witness" this is interesting for it was figurative of the spiritual tabernacle of witness, the believer, meaning the believer is a witness of that behind him in type and that ahead of him in manifestation.
Our tent, (ministry, churches) are to be made according to "fashion" "type" and "prototype" The words "Pattern" and "form" are interesting. Liddell and Scott: the impress of a seal, the stamp of a coin, a print 2.Figures of impressions wrought on metal or stone: simply a figure of image.... 5. a form of doctrine. It is for us then to build according to the "witness" of the apostles. Our ministry is a witness of that which they taught, if we teach anything different to that which they taught we have no authentic backing of God neither can we say we are Gods "tent of witness." That which has been "stamped" on me is this, I can only be authentic as I have the "witness" of that which they taught. The faith once delivered was and is delivered once and for all and upon this faith, the faith we build all our arguments, understanding and ministry upon.
When you read about God being one your spirit witnesses to that and you preach it and see it. When you read about the blind receiving their sight you believe it then go and preach it and so become a witness to it. Whats in Moses tent becomes that which is in your tent. That which was in Paul's church becomes that which takes place in your church. That which Solomon saw in the glory cloud you see in your church, why you are God's tent of witness.
What is a witness is is nothing more and nothing less than being a replication of that which our forefathers believed, said and done. Surely the signs of an apostle were wrought among us. Hallelujah.
What was said of Paul will be said of you, why you built according to pattern. The same spirit on Paul is the same Holy Ghost upon you, why you build according to pattern. If you want to see it like Paul saw it then we have to preach it like Paul preached it. If we want to see it like Peter saw it then we have to preach it like Peter preached it
Ah the glory!
I want to be God's witness dont you?
Now im going back to my tent!
Monday, 9 October 2017
The Pastors Field
If you want to be a pastor, then go to a field, a field that is out there in the country, no distractions, no noise, no internet, no tv or God channel, no commentaries or study books, just a field, your field and learn the "language of sheep." Learn their language, habits, likes and wanderings. their vulnerabilities and strayings, weaknesses and frailties. If you cannot live on the field for a month then its probably not the "field" of ministry God has called you too.
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