1. Don't Puppet Preach
The in thing is not a good thing!
What popular is now a joke!
"Somebody say, amen."
"Somebody turn to your neighbor"
"Somebody say, praise the Lord"
This is not primary school. We're not kids!
You should have enough anointing "in the pulpit to make people want to shout "hallelujah" and "praise the Lord" without any provoking or hint whatsoever from you. If there is no anointing in your preaching, don't manipulate it.
Don't tell us to "praise the Lord" just so that you can feel as if folks are listening to you, don't just say "talk to me" because no one is really paying you any attention. Its condescending and amateurish. There should be enough power in the pulpit to make the dead rise, the lame walk and the unbridled tongues of the saints , catch fire. If its not happening in the church then stay in the closet until it happens to you. Dead men can't raise dead congregations, hot preaching does! Our first call is to raise the dead. Preacher raise the dead saints in the church, first, if you do, you are serve the Lord and be good at it! (Matt 10:8).
2. Don't start with a story
Start with scripture.
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" (2 Tim. 4:2).
If you're story is your starting point then you're telling me your story is more important that the message. Don't use a story to lead me gentle into something. Preacher, tell me as it is!
3. Don't rush over the text
I heard a preacher the other day, rush through the test he obviously thought that what he had to say was more important that what the bible had to tell him. This type of preaching conveys the feeling that you're using God's word to tell us your thing, when really you have nothing mush to tell us anyway. Preacher read the word of God on your knees until your knees shake then take the shake and awake the folks in the pew. If the word hasn't first go you out of bed, don't try getting me out of bed. I enjoy my Sunday morning kip, let me sleep!
4. Don't Wander. Keep to the point!
What message are you communicating today? What are you saying? Don't wander off the target if you do you will miss the whole point of preaching to us this morning. Don't tell me about Peter when your preaching about Abraham. Don't wander away from your text. If you're going to present a message present it professionally and in style make it memorable and to the point. speak it so that the hearers will never forget it.
Don't go so deep that you bury yourself and everybody that's hearing you. That's not teaching, that's called "digging a hole!" Here's the rule. If you don't understand what you are saying don't expect those that are hearing you to understand either. Here's another rule. If you cant explain your message in one minit you're in over your head!
5. Don't Preach Unless you're Convicted by your own Message.
"When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth" (Acts 7:54).
If my heart is not throbbing and my teeth chattering then you ain't preaching!
Dont preach Ten ways to be happy, six ways to get famous and 9 ways to get promotion tomorrow morning on a Monday. I can get all that from the experts. You're a preacher your message is different because you're a life changer, not a life coach. If I need counseling I make an appointment tomorrow and if you're good at it I tell others about you. maybe you can start your own biz You'll make more money as one than a preacher anyway!
Or do they these day?
That's another subject!
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