I will walk at liberty for I seek they precepts (Psalm 119:45)
The rewards for loving the law are affirmed Great Peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them (119:165).
The Law of Liberty
Man is a slave to political correctness, systems of men, religions of the masses and his own unbelief. We live in a society where the ungodly are easily offended. Since they don't know who they they will criticize a man of God who knows who he himself is. Authority comes from our God, so does liberty. Liberty belongs to those who have truth and it is this God given truth that sets a soul free. I walk in liberty because I seek thy precepts. Because we love God's law. God's law is liberating not enslaving and because of this, nothing offends us. Chew us out, call us devils, say we are a cult! fine, your opinion will die with you. Truth lives on. It's as eternal as the God who is truth. Jesus is his name.
The Peace of Liberty
Secondly the man of God walks in liberty.
I love America but I often wonder whether it really is still the land of the free! But i do know a land where freedom lives. land of true hope and God's glory. That's where the man of peace dwells. Beulah land. Zion city of our God. and as citizens we declare, "Great peace" belongs to us. Do you have this peace? Seek the law of God. Great peace have they that love it.
The Power of Liberty
Groups, networks, infidels and hatemongerers are fighting, even killing for liberty, but one can live in a free country and still not himself be a free man. In fact no man is truly free unless he is free on the inside and to be free on the inside he needs Christ. Christ alone changes the nature. Change all the rules you like and all the laws you like one cannot be free until he comes to Christ and Christ lives in him for only Christ the giver and creator of man can change a mans nature.
If the Muslims makes a nation Islam and impose sharia law, is he a free man simply because there are no Christians there? No. In fact if all he has is his own law then he all the more his own prisoner. his own devil, his own deceiver. Himself his own god. Neither can a man escape God's laws or God himself by getting rid of the bible which holds its law of God
Man will constantly make more and more laws in the hope to obtain more and more freedom for its citizens but the more laws one makes the more freedom one looses, only in Christ and his law can man be free.
Even there are even certain "Christians" want to get rid of the law, however the law which seemingly is our enemy is our best friend. God's laws are also inescapable for they are written on the hearts of man. Man meditates on God's law day and night. O see my friend that is not legalism that's liberty we reward it constantly for we love it eternally! Its not a religious recitation but a living power that frees the man from the snares of human limitation, fears and angers. Wesley taught that the law should be taught and preached as a stepping stone to the gospel. How true this is. Great is thy Law and in it I will meditate day and night for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8).
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